Follow Your Passion!

According to:


noun \ˈpa-shən\

: a strong feeling of enthusiasm or excitement for something or about doing something

Well, right now I am out following my passion and I feel so fulfilled. I am out on the road. For 7 days, I was in Red Bluff, CA at their Bull and Gelding Sale where I had my Ruby Rose Cowgirl Clothes booth. And now, I am in Klamath Falls, Oregon for the Klamath Bull Sale which is Feb. 6th thru the 9th. So, that means that I’ll be away from home for just over 2 weeks. Do I miss my husband, my son, my home, my animals, and my friends? Absolutely! But this is something that I really love to do–set up my booth at different ranch related/equestrian events. I get to meet so many wonderful people. I learn about them and their lives. I just love it. Is it hard work? Uh YEAH! Lift with your legs, right? Can’t bring my chiropractor out on the road with me. At night when I get back to my camper (Home Away From Home), I am pooped out. But I feel so fulfilled. Do I know why I was chosen to do this? Nope, I just do it and it has become my passion. I am so happy! I highly encourage you to find and follow your passions. There is lots of information out there to help you. In fact, in the coming months, I will be holding workshops at the Ranch that will help you do just do that.

Here are some Passion Affirmations for you:

I AM passionate about my path in Life and pursue it with intensity and fervor.

Everything that I do, always leads me straight to my passion.

I live with passion, purpose and abundance!

I am deeply passionate about life.

I AM vehement in pursuing my goals.

I do everything with passion & love. I radiate passion to everyone I meet. Every area of my life is filled with passion. I live with passion, purpose and abundance.

No matter the challenge, my passion will carry me through!


Your friend,

Kim 🙂